Samuel Hudson

Oct 5, 20201 min

Silent Observer

Originally written and posted to Facebook 21/February/2014, republished here as Facebook is about to remover the Notes feature. I guess with progress there are always casualties...

I was there. In the beginning when you were made.

I was there. When you opened your eyes.

I was there. For your first breath and the first sound you made.

I was there.

I was there. When you took your first steps.

I was there. When you spoke your first words.

I was there. For the first time you felt regret.

I was there.

I was there. For every decision, good or bad.

I was there. For every heart ache and joy.

I was there. For every experience that you have ever had.

I was there.

I was there. When everything seemed to be going right.

I was there. When everything fell apart.

I was there. When you were struggling to make it another night.

I was there.

I am here. I have always been.

I am here.



